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Year 3

To kick off the Autumn Term in Year 3, we explore what the Earth was like in prehistoric times. We step through the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age by participating in a number of classroom activities and hosting our very own Stone Age Day. Children learn about weapons, food, settlements and the geographical changes that would have occurred during this period, focussing learning towards the end of the Autumn Term on natural disasters. We also provide the children with a chance to handle artefacts, try on authentic clothing and observe prehistoric activities such as fire lighting, as part of our ‘Hands on History’ visit.

Science – Animals Including Humans and Rocks, Fossils and Soils

Art / D&T- Stone Age Art and Bread & Soup

Computing – Emails and Microbits

RE – Islam and Christmas

PE – Swimming, Hockey and Dance 

We start the Spring Term by taking a trip around the world, visiting different countries on the hunt for a spy! We use a range of resources such as digital mapping to explore each of the countries and identify geographical features.

Later in the Spring term, we study Spain - comparing the human and physical geographical features of Spain to England.  We then complete the term with a Spanish day! During the day we learn flamenco dancing, practise speaking a variety of Spanish phrases and cook patatas bravas to enjoy with our friends!

Science – Plants and Forces & Magnets

D&T - Pneumatic systems

Art – Picasso and Sanjay Dhawan

Computing – Simulations, Spreadsheets and Digital presentations

RE – Sikhism and Easter

PE – Boxercise-style fitness, Running, Gymnastics and Tennis

We start the Summer Term by learning about Ancient Egyptian civilisation. We learn about day to day life in Ancient Egypt and look at how this ancient civilisation has impacted modern life. Later in the term, we focus on the religion in Ancient Egypt by learning about their gods, pharaohs and the afterlife. We hold an artefact exploration day in school, where the children view a variety of exciting artefacts and mummify their own life size mummy! To end the year, we hold a Year 3 sleepover where we play games and watch a suitable film.

Science – Light

D&T/Art – Canopic Jars and Sewing

Computing – Branching databases and Coding

RE – Bible Stories

PE – Athletics, Stoolball, Orienteering and Cross Country