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Religion & Worldviews

Religion and Worldviews has an important part to play as part of a broad, balanced and coherent curriculum to which all pupils are entitled. High quality learning experiences in these lessons are designed and provided by careful planning through locally agreed syllabuses and in schools, taking into account the need to offer breadth of content, depth of learning and coherence between concepts, skills and content.Covering:

  • what religion is and worldviews are, and how they are studied;
  • the impact of religion and worldviews on individuals, communities and societies;
  • the diversity of religious and non-religious worldviews in society;
  • the concepts, language and ways of knowing that help us organise and make sense of our knowledge and understanding of religion and worldviews;
  • the human quest for meaning, so that they are prepared for life in a diverse world and have space to recognise, reflect on and take responsibility for the development of their own personal worldview

New Horizons Seaside Primary follows the recommendations in the 2015 West Sussex Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education document.


At New Horizons Seaside Primary School, religion and worldviews has an important role in developing the children’s knowledge of the world around them and helps them to understand the significant religious beliefs in the United Kingdom. Through our curriculum, the pupils are able to understand the different ways in which religious beliefs shape life and behaviour. As part of this learning, religious and moral issues are investigated and pupils are able to develop their moral, spiritual and cultural beliefs. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and reflect on their values and experiences. Religion and worldviews is taught throughout the school and reflects the overall beliefs, values and philosophies at New Horizons Seaside Primary School. Our curriculum is enhanced further by our focus on British Values and through this the children are aware of their rights and their responsibilities as a citizen in the UK.


New Horizons Seaside Primary follows the recommendations in the 2015 West Sussex Agreed Syllabus. From the guidance, the following religions have been selected to be studied across the school:

  • Christianity
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Islam
  • Sikhism
  • Judaism

Throughout the school, our religion and worldviews curriculum builds upon previous knowledge learnt and this enables the pupils to build and enhance their knowledge of religions as they move up through the school. In addition, this enables pupils to compare religions and explore different beliefs as they accumulate a wide knowledge of a range of values from different religions. At New Horizons Seaside Primary School, all religions and their communities are treated with respect and we value the links that we have made between home, school and the faith community. During the school year, the pupils visit different places of worship and learn more about Christianity, in particular, as part of termly assemblies. These assemblies teach the children a moral message and enable them to understand different Bible stories. In addition, the local vicar regularly visits the school and carries out a worship club for children in KS2. Through learning about a wide range of religions and developing their moral beliefs through assemblies and first hand experiences, the pupils are then able to share their views confidently and develop their moral beliefs.


Our religion and worldviews curriculum is of a high quality and is planned to show progression throughout the school. The children at New Horizons Seaside Primary understand a range of religions and worldviews, which enables them to develop their ideas, values and identities. Our children enjoy learning about different religions and explore a range of moral, spiritual and cultural beliefs. Through their learning, the pupils are able to develop their knowledge of the world around them which supports them to understand other people’s cultures and ways of life. By the end of Year 6, our children leave New Horizons Seaside Primary with the respect, tolerance and understanding of their own and others’ beliefs. They have the skills to question, compare and reflect on other religions in order to become a respectful and moral member of the community.

Whole School Long Term Religion and Worldviews Plan